YM 288 wireless microphone system is a good quality
wireless microphone designed for users who require professional performance and
budget friendly solution. The system delivers perfect sound by using low interference
VHF frequency band, and it is strong and reliable to meet various usages from
large crowded show to official use.Yamaha professional VHF wireless microphone system with model number YM-288 is a much more advance compared to its predecessor,YM-188.It also comes with two wireless VHF handheld microphones and a VHF receiver that transmits sound signal to the connected sound system
Yamaha professional VHF wireless microphone system with model number YM-288 is a much more advance compared to its predecessor,YM-188.It also comes with two wireless VHF handheld microphones and a VHF receiver that transmits sound signal to the connected sound system
Yamaha professional VHF wireless microphone system with model number YM-288 is a much more advance compared to its predecessor,YM-188.It also comes with two wireless VHF handheld microphones and a VHF receiver that transmits sound signal to the connected sound system