Neolife Amitone supplement Features includes:100% naturally occurring free form amino acids for rapid absorption and utilization.Complete formula containing free form amino acids, chelated minerals and selected herbs; supports the bodily functions of muscle protein retention, fat mobilization, lean tissue development and overall body toning.Chelated calcium, magnesium and zinc for improved absorption of these metabolic electrolytes.Valerian and chickweed for their energy and stamina related benefits.Timed dose, taken 3 hours after last meal with much water before bedtime, allows for specific amino acid blood level increase while sleeping.The amino acids in this formula are of plant origin.Neolife Amitone – one of the best top amino acid supplement product pills was proven to have the following benefits:Natural Muscle toner and also good for body builders as it is a natural product. Your body does the work.Sensible eating and regular, moderate exercise will improve success.Ami-Tone is SAFE, it has no appetite depressants. You can use it with confidence.Helps assure a pleasant, restful sleep.Works in sync with body’s natural cycles: timed dose, taken at bedtime, utilizes regular, nightly fluctuations of amino acid blood levels.