CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE REVIEW ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ We adorn your room with this Pure white Full FIBRE PILLOW. It is 100% Fibre filled, expertly made with highly durable fabric along the flange on three sides...The design has the ability to blend in almost any decoration .It has a SMOOTH and Soft Feel that guarantees that extra Comfy such that you will always want to be come back home to get that SMOOTH rest in your inbyour bed...They are also safe by being breathable and skin friendly. Machine Washable and easy to maintain. The more you wash, the softer and Nicer the cotton get. - A BRAND of Fibre Pillow packed in 800g, covered in fine fabric to give a soft fell and firm neck support . - It's is Dryable and Non Allergic to the body.Its time to stop replacing the pillows in your bedrooms constantly by utilising the functionality of this wonderful and amazing Bed Pillow to get Comfort for your head that lasts through the day. You are saving 3500 naira if you are buying this . NOTE: OUR PILLOWS IS COMPRESSED AND NEED AIR TO PENETRATE INSIDE THE NYLON TO RISE AND THEN YOUR PILLOW IS READY TO USE.
Key Features
Superior Quality
Value for money
Skin friendly Fibre
No allergies
Luxurious feeling
No Skin Pain
No neck pain
What’s in the box
2 units of pillows
Product Line: VICTORS HUB
Model: Pillow
Production Country: American Samoa
Size (L x W x H cm): 20*30
Weight (kg): 0.5
Color: White
Main Material: Fibre
From the Manufacturer: NA
Care Label: NA
Shop Type: Jumia Mall
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Mercury 5 Units Mercury Fibre Pillows -White(20*30)