Product Information
"Building" on the success of LEGO Star Wars, LucasArts
allows another of its signature properties to receive the interactive
toy treatment. Famed archaeologist Indiana Jones takes his
whip-cracking, pisttol-packing persona into the lighthearted realm of
LEGO in this homage to the rogue explorer's first three movies. Players
begin their adventures in the world of academia, Barnett College, where
Dr. Jones teaches archaeology. The institution serves as a jumping point
for each of the three films.
The game offers 18 levels divided
equally among three chapters where players will revisit memorable scenes
on their way to recovering the Ark of the Covenant, the Sankara Stones,
and the Holy Grail. Indy can use his whip to swing across chasms, fight
enemies, or break apart objects to reveal coins. As in LEGO Star Wars, a
second player can join in at any time for cooperative action online or
off. Each character has specific roles and even phobias, such as
Satipo's ability to dig up treasure or Indy's fear of snakes. Thus,
players will frequently need to switch between characters to solve
puzzles or complete tasks.
Over 60 playable characters include
Sallah, Mola Ram, Marion Ravenwood, Short Round, Marcus Brody, and Toht.
To appeal to the family friendly spirit of the toy series, Nazi
references and symbols were removed in favor of a generic "cult" dressed
in trench coats
- "Building" on the success of LEGO Star Wars, LucasArts allows
another of its signature properties to receive the interactive toy
treatment. Famed archaeologist Indiana Jones takes his whip-cracking,
pisttol-packing persona into the lighthearted realm of LEGO in this
homage to the rogue explorer's first three movies. Players begin their
adventures in the world of academia, Barnett College, where Dr. Jones
teaches archaeology.
- The institution serves as a jumping point for each of the three films.