Written for all students of engineering, "A Textbook of Engineering Drawing" provides knowledge in a lucid (sectional) format for easier comprehension of all engineering students while also helping others revise the basic concepts of the subject.Filled with figures and in-text problems, the text successfully helps the student not only comprehend but practice and retain the understanding of otherwise difficult concepts.A book which has seen, foreseen and incorporated changes in the subject for more than 20 years, it continues to be one of the most sought-after texts by the students.Selling Features:• The text is divided in 4 parts and 34 chapters (including 6 New Chapters) - each part for a critical concept of the subject.• Numerous notes (highlighted) are strategically placed throughout the text to supplement the concepts explained.• Close to 2500 figures, solved problems, tables, cases and chapter-end questions add rigour to a lucidly written text.• 20 model examination papers available on the S Chand And Company Limited website add to the practice quotient of the text.