Abro Red Radiator Coolant is a high quality radiator coolant, an Anti-freeze, anti-rust formula developed to work with all automobiles and light duty trucks accross all season and in extreme weather conditions. Abro radiator coolant Antifreeze is the only antifreeze with Alugard Plus, which is a special additive that allows different chemistries to work together to provide protection against rust and corrosion. This particular radiator coolant is red in colour, with 4 liters product content. It is a long lasting radiator coolant with anti-rust formula designed for all season usage and for maximum engine protection. This Abro Red Radiator Coolant is NOT an antifreeze, made from HOAT (hybrid organic acid technology), which is a combination of both inorganic acid technology and organic acid technology. The leading "all makes, all models" coolants use an OAT chemistry, which is not compatible with IAT and HOAT chemistries. Abro Red Radiator Coolantures long lasting of engines.